A forever home, forever

A forever home, forever
Calle Ingeniero Joaquín Benlloch
2 rooms | 1 bathroom | 88 m²

The tranquility of the neighborhood in the city.

I am located in one of the most familiar neighborhoods of Valencia, surrounded by schools, sports centers, supermarkets and leisure offers… A perfect place to see your family grow up in the city, with the tranquility of the “forever” neighborhood.


I distribute my rooms efficiently, regardless of corridors, since my shape is square, so I take advantage of each of my corners. I am bright and my rooms are spacious. I have a small terrace that offers unobstructed views … A privilege in the city.


I convey the feeling of entering the grandparents’ house, the same as always… The one that keeps so many stories within its walls. I’m one of those who walk through the door and think you’re smelling freshly cooked food, because that’s how I am: cozy, traditional, homey and perfect for turning a forever home into your new home.

C / Ingeniero Joaquín Benlloch


· Price: VENDIDO
· Usable floor area: 80 m²

· Total floor area: 88 m²
· Status:
· 2 rooms

· 1 bathroom
· Year of construction: 1974


Air conditioning

    Responsable del tratamiento: SINLABER STORIES, S.L. (HOME STORIES)
    Dirección del responsable: C/ Fluvia - Número 109-113, piso 5-4 - Barcelona 08019
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